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The Chocolate Lady's Book Reviews

Davida Chazan's Blog for mostly book reviews and literary musings (and maybe some chocolate).

Currently reading

Goodbye, Columbus
Philip Roth
The Only Woman in the Room
Marie Benedict

Finding her Time

Clock Dance - Anne Tyler

Thanks for the free book, @prhinternational! Anne Tyler’s fans were worried that her 2015 novel “A Spool of Blue Thread” might have been her last. How pleased and thankful are we all that she hasn’t gone into retirement because she just couldn’t stop writing? Her newest novel also takes us back to Baltimore (with a couple of short sidetracks) to hear Willa’s story; a woman who drifted through her 60 years of life, until a total stranger calls her, putting her on a path that will change everything. My review of this charming novel is on my blog now. https://drchazan.blogspot.com/2018/07/finding-her-time.html