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The Chocolate Lady's Book Reviews

Davida Chazan's Blog for mostly book reviews and literary musings (and maybe some chocolate).

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Goodbye, Columbus
Philip Roth
The Only Woman in the Room
Marie Benedict

The Kitchen Daughter

The Kitchen Daughter - Jael McHenry It isn't often that I say "I couldn't put this one down" but its the truth about this one! The author grabs the reader at the very start, with her main character Ginny. And while the "magic realism" part could have been too much, it is tempered nicely with the reality that Ginny is trying to cope with. That, together with the recipes that Ginny cooks up (which bring on the ghosts) would make one think Joanne Harris meets Mark Haddon. You can read my full review here https://tcl-bookreviews.com/2013/07/25/comfort-foods-and-curious-phenomena/